Pediatric ophthalmology is a subspecialty of ophthalmology dealing with children’s eye diseases. The human visual system develops as the brain matures a process that takes about ten years. Although a baby’s eyes are optically capable of seeing, infant vision is limited to around 20/1500 (the ability to see the shapes of people but not their features), in part because the brain has not learned how to process the visual messages it receives. As visual development proceeds, that same child will eventually be able to detect the finest details in an image. Some ophthalmic problems encountered in children and frequently treated by our specialists include amblyopic, strabismus, pediatric glaucoma, brain disorders that affect vision, retinopathy of prematurity and retinoblastoma.
Investigations and Procedures
• Binocular single vision and stereopsis tests
• Strabismus evaluation
• Hess Chart
• Orthoptic exercises
• Applanation tonometry
• Indirect Ophthalmoscopy, Slit lamp examination
• A-Scan
• B Scan
• ROP Screening
• Complete Low-vision Clinic

Surgical Service
• Cataract surgeries of pediatric patients
• Strabismus correction (for children and adults)
• Corrective procedures for nystagmus and paralytic strabismus
• Botulinum injection for squint
• Pediatric Glaucoma surgery (Trabeculectomy with Glaucoma shunt)
• Pediatric Oculoplasty-Ptosis
• Correction, Dacrocystorhinostomy
• Surgical Management of Pediatric ocular trauma
• Examination under anesthesia