Gomabai Netralaya Eye Bank is registered under the HOTA (Human Organ Transplantation Act. Gomabai Netralaya has a well equipped Eye Bank in the region.Our Gomabai Eye Bank performs average 240 Eyes/Corneas collection with 45 percent utilization. Our Eye Bank team works with local NGOs in Eye Donation and Eye Donation awareness activities in the community.
Our Eye Bank actively participates in national and international meetings to eliminate the corneal blindness and Eye safety campaign to educate the community about corneal injuries and prevention to reduce the burden of corneal blindness.
Process of eye donation
First of all the person who wishes to donate his/her eye should convey his/her intentions to their family members so whenever they depart their family members can fulfill their wish.
* Family members should contact the nearest Eye Bank or Eye Hospital for Eye Donation.
* Eyes should be removed after death only so make sure a certified physician has declared the death.
* Eyes should be removed within 6-8 hours and a clean wet cotton cloth to be put over closed eyelids to avoid corneal drying till the Eye bank team reaches there.
* Either the whole eye ball or Corneo-scleral rim to be removed and this process is finished in 15 to 20 min so there is no delay in funeral program.
* 5 to 10 ml blood should be taken from the body to carry out serological tests.