Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness, an estimated 12 million people are affected in India. Among these, a staggering 1.1 million are blind due to this disease. It is aptly known as the “silent thief of sight” as patients commonly have no symptoms in the initial stages. Only as the disease progresses do they complain of visual problems. This leads to late presentation of patients suffering with glaucoma. Treatment options are aimed at preserving existing vision and preventing further loss of vision. One of the most commonly asked question by the patients is, “Is glaucoma curable?” Glaucoma unfortunately is not curable and causes irreversible blindness. This therefore highlights the importance of early detection and treatment to preserve useful vision. Like diabetes, glaucoma is a lifelong disease which requires regular monitoring and lifelong follow up.
Investigations and Procedures
• Pachymetry
• Humphrey Visual Field Analysis
• Fundus Photography
• Optical Coherence Tomography
• Frequency Doubling Technology (FDT) perimeter

Surgical Service
• Laser Iridectomy, Iridotomy
• Laser Suturolysis
• Laser Vitriolysis
• Laser Hyaloidotomy
• Cyclocryotherapy
• Diode laser Cyclophotocoagulation (DLCPC)
• Trabeculectomy
• Combined Trabeculectomy
• Bleb Needling
• Bleb Revision
• Glaucoma drainage Device